import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
def retrieve_url(url):
Given a URL (string), retrieves html and
returns the html as a string.
html = requests.get(url)
if html.ok:
return html.text
raise ValueError("{} could not be retrieved.".format(url))
def scrape_dialogue(episode_html):
Given a string of html representing an episode page,
returns a tuple of (title, [(character, text)]) of the
dialogue from that episode
episode = BeautifulSoup(episode_html, 'html.parser')
title = episode.title.text.rstrip(' *').replace("'", "''")
convos = episode.find_all('b') or episode.find_all('span', {'class': 'char'})
dialogue = []
for item in convos:
who = item.text.rstrip(': ').rstrip(' *').replace("'", "''")
what = str(item.next_sibling).rstrip(' *').replace("'", "''")
dialogue.append((who, what))
return (title, dialogue)
episode_url = ""
outer_space ={"url": episode_url})
state = outer_space.result[dialogue] # the `State` object for the dialogue task
first_five_spoken_lines = state.result[1][:5] # state.result is a tuple (episode_name, [dialogue])
print(''.join([f'{speaker}: {words}' for speaker, words in first_five_spoken_lines]))
ROKY CRIKENSON: Yeah, this is Roky. I checked all the connections. I
don''t know why all the power''s down out here. I''m going to have to come
in and get some more equipment. Yeah, yeah... yeah, I''ll need several of
those. All right...
HAROLD LAMB: Um... I don''t want to scare you, but... I think I''m madly
in love with you.
CHRISSY GIORGIO: Harold, I like you a lot too, but this is our first
date. I mean, I think that we need more time to get to know one another.
HAROLD LAMB: Oh my God... oh my God...
CHRISSY GIORGIO: Harold, what are those things?
Now that we're reasonably confident in our scraping logic, we want to reproduce the above example for every episode while maintaining backwards compatibility for a single page. To do so, we need to compile a list of the URLs for every episode, and then proceed to scrape each one.
def create_episode_list(base_url, main_html, bypass):
Given the main page html, creates a list of episode URLs
if bypass:
return [base_url]
main_page = BeautifulSoup(main_html, 'html.parser')
episodes = []
for link in main_page.find_all('a'):
url = link.get('href')
if 'transcrp/scrp' in (url or ''):
episodes.append(base_url + url)
return episodes
def create_episode_list(base_url, main_html, bypass):
Given the main page html, creates a list of episode URLs
if bypass:
return [base_url]
main_page = BeautifulSoup(main_html, 'html.parser')
episodes = []
for link in main_page.find_all('a'):
url = link.get('href')
if 'transcrp/scrp' in (url or ''):
episodes.append(base_url + url)
return episodes
In our current situation, instead of a loop, we utilize the map() method of tasks. At a high level, at runtime is roughly equivalent to:
scraped_state ={"url": ""})
# CPU times: user 7.48 s, sys: 241 ms, total: 7.73 s
# Wall time: 4min 46s
dialogue_state = scraped_state.result[dialogue] # list of State objects
print('\n'.join([f'{s.result[0]}: {s}' for s in dialogue_state.map_states[:5]]))
BABYLON - 1AYW04: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Pilot - 1X79: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Deep Throat - 1X01: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Squeeze - 1X02: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Conduit - 1X03: Success("Task run succeeded.")
from prefect.engine.executors import DaskExecutor
executor = DaskExecutor(local_processes=True)
scraped_state ={"url": ""},
# CPU times: user 9.7 s, sys: 1.67 s, total: 11.4 s
# Wall time: 1min 34s
dialogue_state = scraped_state.result[dialogue] # list of State objects
print('\n'.join([f'{s.result[0]}: {s}' for s in dialogue_state.map_states[:5]]))
BABYLON - 1AYW04: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Pilot - 1X79: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Deep Throat - 1X01: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Squeeze - 1X02: Success("Task run succeeded.")
Conduit - 1X03: Success("Task run succeeded.")
from prefect import unmapped
with flow:
db = create_db()
ep_script =
final =, upstream_tasks=[unmapped(db)])
sqlite> .open xfiles_db.sqlite
sqlite> SELECT * FROM XFILES WHERE TEXT LIKE '%programming%';
Kill Switch - 5X11 | BYERS | This CD has some kind of enhanced background data. Lots
of code. Maybe a programming design.
First Person Shooter - 7X13 | BYERS | Langly did some programming for them.
He created all of the bad guys.
The Springfield Files - X3601 | HOMER | Now son, they do a lot of quality programming
too. Haa haa haa! I kill me.
令人失望的是,特别是考虑到“The Springfield Files”是辛普森(Simpson)的《The X-Files》的一集恶作剧。
final ={"url": "",
"bypass": True})
然后返回sqlite3 shell来查找已更新的内容:
sqlite> .open xfiles_db.sqlite
sqlite> SELECT * FROM XFILES WHERE TEXT LIKE '%programming%';
Kill Switch - 5X11 | BYERS | This CD has some kind of enhanced background data. Lots
of code. Maybe a programming design.
First Person Shooter - 7X13 | BYERS | Langly did some programming for them.
He created all of the bad guys.
The Springfield Files - X3601 | HOMER | Now son, they do a lot of quality programming
too. Haa haa haa! I kill me.
Planet of the Frohikes - 1AEB05 | FROHIKE | It's a pretty neat bit of programming.